Massage Services for Men

1 Vendors
The Massage Services for Men technique is a revolutionary method for cutting curly hair.
Since everyone’s curl is different, and curly hair has a spring factor that can be misinterpreted while wet, we cut the hair dry in its natural form, curl by curl.
This unique innovation allows the stylist to sculpt each client’s hair according to their individual look and style.
We then teach the client how to care for their curls at home, giving them the ability to create the same perfect curls as the day they leave the salon.


    • Providing advice to clients on each stage of the service as it is applied requires the communication of ideas and informationSelecting and applying products
    • sequentially to meet desired outcomes require activities to be planned and organized,Preparing clients for other operators to apply services requires
    • teamwork,Providing safe and comfortable  services to clients of varying physical builds and abilities may require the application of problem